It's All About Bees! bee-lieves helping the planet starts with each of us. Return your empty/ cleaned glass jars to our Ralston, NE store on your next visit for bonus rewards points and/or a credit toward your next purchase. Now that's a cause that's easy to get behind!
I love the flavored honey and the elderberry is latest in scrumptious delights. Whether in tea or on a slice of toast, it is amazing.
Sandi Kountze
New honey
Tried a couple of new honey flavors, they are fantastic! Will be trying many new flavors in the future! We also picked up a little toy filled with catnap, our second one, for our cats! Love, love, love!❤️
Dwayne Cooper
The elderberry honey is delicious. I strongly recommend that a slew of people purchase it. It is also great on toast.
Cathy Campbell
Excellent Elderberry
I have been using the Elderberry Honey in my tea to give me the extra protection to immune system and good health! I like the taste - it's not too heavy and not too bland. I'd buy it again!